We are a carer and toddler group run by Avery Hill Christian Fellowship for children aged between 0 and 5 years and their carers. All carers (mums, dads, grandparents etc) and their babies and toddlers are welcome.
At present there is no waiting list.
We meet on a Monday at 10 am until 11.30 am in term times
(We do not meet at half term and in the school holidays, and usually meet the following week after the term begins - see Noticeboard.
Cost - currently there is no cost (TBA)
Free refreshments
This is a voluntary organisation and all fees get channelled back into Springlets expenses
Children should be accompanied by an adult
We reserve the right to follow early years childminder ratio guidelines and anyone with more than three children without other adult assistance may be turned away.
Each week we separate the hall into different areas:-
Art and Crafts
We aim to have some fun things to make with your little ones.
Reading Area
A place to sit and read
Baby Area
A special place for babies to play.
We have a wide variety of toys.
Sit and rides and slide
Have fun with slides and rides.
Singing Time
Children love to join in with some songs and we will often share a story.
Teddy Bear's Picnic
Usually held at Avery Hill Park near the end of summer term.
Christmas Pary
Christmas time fun - held near the end of autumn term. (Ticket only event)
Click here to visit our Noticeboard and find out more details about any current special events.
You can contact Springlets via the church, the email addresses are:-
Click Here to visit our church website for answerphone details.